This is the TSK main library of all available articles and publications
This is the TSK main library of all available articles and publications
They helped to educate our visitors that Staffords make excellent pets but, sadly, are the breed most frequently abandoned by irresponsible dog-owners. They helped our visitors to understand that taking on any dog is a big commitment and a decision that should not be taken lightly but, if any of our visitors were looking
There is no single test to diagnose Cushings disease. The history, physical exam, and results of initial blood and urine tests often provide a strong suspicion for the presence of Cushings disease. Laboratory tests that are most commonly altered by Cushings disease are an increase in white blood cell count, increase in the liver
Stafford of the Year commenced after all judging had been completed the judges were in place and dogs came in three at a time and each of the judges went over each dog. Once all the dogs had been in the ring they all came back in for a final line up and the judges…
By: Alan Mitchell (Hoplite) The Western Staffordshire Bull Terrier Society General Appearance—-Smooth coated, well balanced, of great strength for his size. Muscular, active and agile. The Staff is an athlete. Everything about him should mark him as such. There should be no exaggeration in his make-up. He needs enough bone/substance; Read more…
Friend: “What are you doing this weekend?” Me: “Showing Bonnie at breed show” Friend: “Why on earth are you doing that?” Me: “Because I want to learn about the breed ring and I think Bonnie is worthy of some letters before her name” Friend: “No handler?” Me: “NO” Friend: “I don’t know why you bother”…
It was an honor to be asked to judge both of these assignments, as it has been so many great shows here in the US. There are some differences when you get asked to judge an assignment abroad. You should do your diligence and learn the process that they are used to doing at …
One mistake that I see and I cannot stress enough is the over emotional human who thinks it best to coddle, impose and add more stress to second hand dog. Whether the dog you have adopted is an introverted, passive dog or an extroverted, anxious, reactive dog. Imposing upon them will only add to your…
Black and tan is not actually a colour, it is a pattern. The gene which creates the black and tan coat determines the pattern that the colours take up, not the actual colours themselves. Whatever colour ,or combination of colours, a dog inherits from its parents, it can still have the black and tan pattern….
Seeing virtue in others is a difficult task because I think we have been programmed to criticize. I am not sure why, maybe it is our own insecurities leaking out. I learned a lesson from a respected Judge and breeder many years ago and it has changed the way I see other dogs and in…
What I have done is make sure I have them all activated, their forms and confirmation in their hard copy files, chip numbers and organization name in my phone and in the online AKC Manage Dogs for each. The moral of my story is ALL breeders need to activate their microchipped pups before they leave