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This is the TSK main library of all available articles and publications
The easiest way to explain this is to compare the Stafford hock to that of a rabbit. A rabbit must have an overlong hock because it must be able to quickly and purposefully get away from its prey. It does so by a very long and quick hopping motion so that it removes itself from…
Sideways, the foreface is about as deep ast is wide. This type of head, with a good stop and set with neat rose ears, is the ideal. It can be quick to punish, with ease of movement. The circumference of skull should be about the approximate height at the shoulder. This should also coincide
The Ostrich Syndrome can damage dogs in a number of ways. The ignorance, denial and fear it fosters in breeders can prevent genetic diseases from being identified and studied early enough to keep them from becoming widespread. Breeds which develop a reputation for being disease-ridden risk rejection by the public – including that part of…
This seems like a rather strange question to ask as I sit writing this and beside me, curled up on the sofa and at my feet are 6 purebred dogs of various sizes. I am not going to deny that I am a pure breed fancier, exhibitor and occasional hobby breeder or as I like…
In the canine world, inbreeding is defined as breeding closely related dogs to each other, i.e. parent to offspring (vertically) or brother to sister or half-brother to half-sister (horizontally). Let me stress right away that inbreeding in itself can be a valuable tool to fix certain desired genes and should not be quickly
Our challenge was to get him ready for adoption. Our temporary tenant needed a lot of training before he would be ready to go to his forever home. The first two weeks were the hardest. In many ways, taking care of Atticus was like having a young puppy. He had no experience living among humans…
Like most problems with dogs health, most carry a very heritable component and allergies are no different. Ive heard many times people say that health problems are fixed in the whelping pen. When I see an allergic dog most of the time we can trace it back to an itchy parent or grandparent, just another…
A slipped hock will fold forward with virtually NO pressure, and the dog will be unable to resist it. To determine a slipped hock, place several fingers on the back of the hock lightly pressing forward until the dog either picks up the foot and steps forward or the joint collapses forward . …