Breed Specific Legislation

In my opinion, Karen Delise compiled the definitive study of dog attacks in her book “Fatal Dog Attacks”. She did painstaking research, and took a close look every fatal dog attack in the US over the course of about forty years. She broke it down from every conceivable angle. We read in terrible newspaper accounts…

Hip Dysplasia

No one can predict when or even if a dysplastic dog will start showing clinical signs of lameness due to pain. There are multiple environmental factors such as caloric intake, level of exercise, and weather that can affect the severity of clinical signs and phenotypic expression (radiographic changes). There is no rhyme or reason to the severity of radiographic changes correlated…

The Problem With Parks

Here is the thing. Why would you want to purposely encourage behaviours that are not acceptable outside the dog park. Barking, chasing, biting, prey drive, stalking, marking, jumping are all things we want to stop or at least that’s what I am told when I go to people’s houses. So if these are things that…

Renal Disease In Canines

Kidneys are made up of tiny structures (glomerulus and tubule) called nephrones. These nephrones filter and cleanse the blood and remove waste products from the body. The kidneys help control sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, PH, Phosphate and magnesium. Eventually over time these nephrones break down and literally wear out, which is a natural part of…