
The Scapula (shoulder blade ) muscle configuration is somewhat complicated and all we have to remember that correct angulation and layback of shoulder ensures the muscles are of the correct structure, e.g. short upper arm and upright scapula leads to bunchy shoulder musculature. The scapula is sandwiched at the top by two muscles: the trapezius…

Recipes For Your Stafford

Several recent issues of The Stafford Knot publication included wonderfully creative recipes for your Stafford. These treat recipes have been tested by several of our team members and were hand selected or created by our staff member Melanie Sinclair. Some of them iclude Birthday Cake, Liver Cake, Turkey and Stuffing and Seasons Eatings …

Various Tsk Editorials

Collections of most editorial pages and entries from over the years from The Stafford Knot publication. These include submissions from all editors and staff from each team.These will also include photos and vinage images selected to be shared in the magazine. We hope that you enjoy them if you missed it the first time …”