What Is L2HGA

The mutation, or change to the structure of the gene, probably occurred spontaneously in a single dog but once in the population has been inherited from generation to generation like any other gene. The disorder shows an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance: two copies of the defective gene (one inherited from each parent) have to…


I remember the first time I saw her; she was a chunky red and white puppy, the last puppy left in her litter. She seemed to have a permanent smiling expression on her face, and I thought she would be the perfect companion for my husband. We picked out the Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed because . . .

On Balance

The breed standard clearly defines ideal size, proportions, and substance which essentially tells us the proper balance between bull and terrier. Make no mistake; there is little room for personal interpretation of those descriptors, “deep,” “broad,” “wide,” “rather far apart.” The parameters of balance are handed to us in objective language, and our personal understanding…

Scottish Round Up 2016

This was an excellent year for Scottish Staffords with three new champions being made up in 2016. Tia, James and Alison Elrick’s Champion Ruadonis Delilah’s Delight JW ShCM gained her crowning CC from Caroline Dewar at East Anglia in May; following her first the previous May from Dave Levy at Southern Counties and her second,…

Stafford Rescue USA Updates 2016

Dempsey entered into rescue on July 23rd of 2016. His heartbroken owner had become increasingly disabled and was very worried that one day his own health would require a higher level of care and that Dempsey’s fate would be decided by others. Though extremely unhappy to see his best friend of 10 years go off…